Sermon: The Reaction That Love Brings
A Low Down Dirty Shame
Music Videos
A Time Such As This (feat. Dustin Lyon)
Cruising Down The Street (feat. Chrissy Luckey)
Filters (feat. Eli Mendez)
Love Wins (feat. From A to Z)
C.J. preaching a Sunday morning service at PaulAnn Church
C.J. speaking to the crowd in attendance for the Young Life (non-profit organization) banquet.
C.J. speaking at an FCA Fields of Faith
C.J. speaking to a group of teenagers at House of Faith
C.J. preaching chapel for Sterling College in Sterling, KS
C.J. speaking at the La Esperanza Clinic Retreat
C.J. addressing the crowd at the George Floyd Rally
C.J. speaks to the students at Potters Hand Christian Academy